Our Pledge
The I DO Pledge In Context of The NEW AGE
I. The Path of the Faithful Ones:
1. We belong only to His Divine Order of “Do-ing in His Name" for the welfare and protection of humanity.
2. We are pledged to the God of Love we serve when Chosen to do so.
3. We accept Truth and good wherever we find it and reject only the evil we detect.
II. Our Daily Walk:
4. We pledge to walk in prayer and listen for “the still small voice” of Guardian Angels as we wisely test the spirits, and attune our hearts with Him for guided service.
III. When Criticized:
5. In meekness we guard our tongues against words which hurt, bitter retorts to unjust criticism or any speech not in keeping with Divine Order; always striving to follow the Master’s example of the “soft answer which turneth away wrath.”
IV. The Justice League in Action:
6. We offend no one and help the understanding of those who offend us, challenging them only to find Truth through facts; we defend the righteous when unjustly attacked.
V. Response to True Seekers:
7. Until others enjoy as much as we have, we will not use more than enough and will share our abundance with those who may need it.
VI. Our Mission to Help Humanity:
8. Until God’s law of justice balances the lives of men, we will pray that “with all their getting,” they will “get understanding” of His ways.
9. We will ever pray that all learn to live the U. S. principles of “Malice toward none and charity for all,” that Love by osmosis through the veins of evil might convert it into a good life stream.
10. Until mercy is graced by the wisdom of Doing in His Name, and injustices are chastened by Love, we will strive for man’s understanding of Cosmic Laws governing from Above.
VII. Our Prayer for the World:
a. Until men no longer suffer karmas from the debts to Love they owe,
We will pray the Master’s guidance for the paths they choose to go.
b. Till white robes drape the shoulders of all earthlings' weary forms,
We pray they accept and cherish Guardian Angels broken by their storms.
c. We pray to stand until the finish of the work He has begun,
And to rise to meet the Master when all battles He has won.
d. Oh, we pray for world’s withstanding as men recognize the Light,
Of “A Little Child to Lead Them” as “all eyes” can SEE the sight.
The Lord's Prayer for the New Age
It's a Prayer of "Thanks", not a command.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and God's Spirit,
The Two-In-One,
Mother-Father Likewise Son.
Our Father Who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven.
We thank Thee for giving us this day our daily bread, for forgiving us our debts as we forgive our debtors,
for leading us away from temptation, for delivering us from evil, and for blessing us with Thy Wisdom and Thy Guidance for raising our Children,
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Forever and Ever, Amen.
- The Mother's Prayer -
The Path to Spiritual Blossoming
There is only One Religion in Heaven, the Worship of the Spirit of God, and on Earth, there is no religion higher than Truth.
On the LOTUS:
The text on the scroll below is from The Secret Doctrine of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the Sphinx of the Nineteenth Century.