The Reincarnate Mother published eighty-one "TRUTH" News Letters as a "Call for Unity" for the "CALLED" and "CHOSEN" who had reincarnated on earth in the Last Age to begin their part of the Christ work in preparation for the New Age. Today, now that The Child who had to be "caught up" for His protection in the Last Age is aligned to being released by God, the "Truth" News Letters having served their purpose, only a brief summary of their content is required.
The publication of the “TRUTH” News Letters began in 1960. In 1971 The Reincarnate Mother was "Told" that the publishing work was done for this Age and that the world should now await "That Day" when "all eyes SEE" what they were GIVEN to SEE. Since 1969, no one was getting anything at all from Above because the world had entered into a period of SILENCE as the scriptures prophesied would be the case previous to that Great Change all esoteric peoples were expecting at any moment.
BECAUSE CERTAIN INFORMATION IS SO VERY VITAL, it was necessary to repeat frequently, due to the relationship with other messages being relayed at the time. Also, because what was projected in these publications was so astoundingly different it seemed wise to approach the idea from various angles, hoping thereby to make the information clearer and more easily understood. If the reasons weren’t understood during the life of the Reincarnate Mother, the summary makes more sense now that the Return of the King of Kings, “A Little Child to Lead Them,” is aligned to begin soon. HE had to be “caught up” from this plane because there was not enough help and understanding to protect Him from “a great dragon” (Lucifer puppet) who “stood ready to swallow up the child.”
Below is that summary of the KEY elements from the eighty-one News Letters that Frances published.
Mrs. Frances Fisher Sande (who was born 1905 in Idaho), baptized an Episcopalian and subsequently a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, organized the Interdenominational Divine Order in Boulder, Colorado, in 1957. In 1960 it moved to Twin Falls, Idaho. In August 1961 Interdenominational Divine Order was incorporated.
The Interdenominational Divine Order synthesized Theosophy, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Kabbalistic, Occult, Greco-Roman, Latter-Day Saints (Mormon), and other Christian categories.
The “I DO” taught that at one point in time past, the most Holy Ancient One divided Himself into three heads, or souls, – Michael (“the generator of power”), Gabriel (“the user of power”) and Lucifer who became (“the waster of power”). During those early incarnations, whenever Eve bore a child to the King of Kings she was also forced to bear a twin, the counterpart of the Lucifer soul, who always tried to take the birthright of the child of the King of Kings and destroy him. As a counter measure, the Michael-Soul generated a spiritual consort, the Gabriel child or Virgin Mary (“the World Mother of Spirit”) to be his companion thereafter. This displacement of the Lucifer or EVE soul in favor of the Gabriel-Soul (Virgin Mary) was the first fall of Lucifer. Lucifer then deceived and led one-third of the stars of heaven, (that is, one-third angels) into rebellion against Michael and Gabriel. Lucifer is thus EVE-il personified or d’EVE-il.
The triad Michael-Gabriel-Lucifer, the “I DO” pointed out, reappeared frequently in various religions under different names, as Osiris, Thoth, and Isis in Egyptian religion; as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (or Sh-EVE) in Hinduism; as Buddha, Ananda, and Hoti (the fat-bellied, laughing Buddha) in Buddhism; as the Macroprosopus, the Microprosopus, and Baima in the Kabbala; as the bull, the calf and the cow in the (“cow religion”) cults; as Kuthumi, Hilarion, and Morya (El Morya, the Master Morya) in Theosophy; and as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in historic Christianity. In each case, said the “I DO”, the third element was in opposition to the first Two. Cleverly arranged illusion cast by Lucifer has deceived many into believing that the third member of “The Blessed Trinity” was God, whom Scripture declares to be “Spirit”, not a ghost.
The Michael-Soul had various names and incarnations, or physical plane puppets through which HE manipulated HIS Cause on the physical plane. For example, Zeus, Venus, Kuthumi, Christ, and “The Child.” HE has not incarnated as many times, or been known as a specific individual as the other two, because HE frequently worked cooperatively as one with the incarnating Gabriel soul. Michael soul incarnations include Adam, Abraham, Elijah, Gautama Buddha, Michaelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), and Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865).
Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
In his Second Inaugural Address in March of 1865, Abraham Lincoln made a prophecy regarding the period we are presently in since D Day (delete link) began, and sometimes before July 4, 2026 which marks the 250th anniversary of the Continental Congress's approval of the Declaration of Independence. His prophecy: "Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said two thousand years ago, so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
He ended his Address with these words: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
The Gabriel (Virgin Mary) Soul is the Ganymede, the Hermes-Mercury and the Apollo of the Greco-Roman religion, the “second Isis” of ancient Egyptian religion, the “white kali” (Vishnu) of Hinduism, and the Ananda (Buddha’s beloved disciple) of Buddhism. The biblical worthies that are its incarnations include Noah, Isaac, Elisha, and Virgin Mary. Queen Nefertiti (flourished before 1376 B. C.) was also a physical form used to accomplish an earthly mission for the Gabriel Soul. More recent historical personages that were earthly manifestations to serve the Gabriel Soul were St. Hilarion the Confessor (291? -371), “Muhammad” (570-629), St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431), George Washington (1732-1799), Martin Luther (1483-1546), the Latter-Day-Saints Leader Joseph Smith, Junior (1805-1844), a single manifestation, while Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) served as the physical plane instrument for the work of restoration of Truth for both Michael and Gabriel because it was known that Joseph Smith would be overpowered and eliminated by the “apparition” of the third member of the original Trinity. “I DO” claims that this accounts for over-lapping incarnations, where one physical plane puppet stands ready to take over when another might be eliminated, only one form being used at a time for the expression of the Over-Soul directing from Above.
“I DO” claimed that now again another physical form, that of Frances Sande, was incarnated on earth to be the dual expression for the physical plane work of both Michael and Gabriel. The last Michael manifestation was necessarily “caught up” because of dangers from the “great dragon” personality who “stood by to swallow up The Child.”
The Lucifer-Eve oversoul, according to “I DO,” was in classic Greco-Roman religion the god of the underworld and the deity Mars, the deceptive “first Isis” who “cut Osiris to pieces” of the Egyptian-occult religion that Mdm. Blavatsky, the (good) “second Isis,” was prevented from fully unveiling. Lucifer was the biblical “angel of death” and “abomination of desolation,” the Moroni of the Mormons who took away the Latter-Day Saints TWO golden tablets, which were records of Michael and Gabriel. He left his own record, greatly confusing the work of reincarnating Saints who had returned to establish Truth which Jesus said would “make free,” but which had failed before because of the deceptions engineered by Lucifer’s physical plane puppet known to Catholics as “The Black Pope.” The Lucifer soul had long worked through other physical puppets who moved under his directions when calling himself “The Lord.” He was never questioned as to “what Lord” but was assumed to be the Lord God, who instead was the lord of deceptions who certainly wouldn’t let his real identity be known to such a God-fearing man as Moses. Again Esau, Goliath, Nebuchadnezzar and Herod Antipas, as well as King Philip of Macedonia (382-336 B.C.) and the Roman emperor Lucius Septimius Severus (146-211) all responded to the influence of the oversoul responsible for their physical forms, birthed in for purposes they were caused to serve. In later history Genghis Khan (1162-1227), Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Amshel Moses (that is, Amselm Mayer), Rothschild (1773-1855), and Annie Wood Besant (1847-1933) served as Lucifer counterparts. In 1933 the Lucifer oversoul moved from the Annie Wood Besant form to that of another form especially prepared to receive that soul when Annie Besant passed from this plane. The sixteen-year-old form of Gwendolyn Green (later [Mary] Martha Bow[z]ers), unveiled by “I DO” Truth publications revealing her as the adversary of the present-day “Reincarnate Mother.” Mrs. Bowers misguided many, even deceiving some of “the Elect.” This caused much delay in the return of “The Child,” the King of Kings who brings peace to a world in need of HIS power to save the desperate situation the world is still experiencing.
During the Twentieth Century, the world of the third dimension, that is, the earth plane, was in the “Last Age.” This was said by the “I DO” to be the last Age for the power of the Lucifer-soul to be able to manipulate his deceptions, and the time for his power to be revoked “for a thousand years.” The “I DO” claimed that atrocities against The Great Plan for the Last Age, against reincarnate Disciples (Saints of Old), Mother and Child, as well as what the Lucifer incarnations did to nail heavy crosses for all of “The White Robes,” resulted in the revocation of the Cosmic Powers of Lucifer for a thousand years, in October 1955. He was initially cast in the pit (the Moon) for One Thousand Years, but because of his continued influence on the red stars, his followers who attained eternal life serving the evil-one, the Cosmos had no choice but to completely annihilate Lucifer's oversoul.
Details were in the possession of Interdenominational Divine Order which was incorporated specifically to help all Positive souls who were Chosen to be reincarnated for work with The King of Kings at His return. On That Day the World will behold a mystery: "We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last triumph: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
- 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 American Standard Version -
The “I DO” Literature repeatedly mentioned the “Cosmic Birth”, the first phase of which was “the production of a body for HIM by the reincarnate Mother.” Of a necessity in 1955 HE was “caught up” from the physical plane until more adequate preparation could be made for HIS reception and protection. “I DO” declared that the final phase of Cosmic Birth will take place when the skies will be filled with the glory of His return and “all eyes see HIM.” They claimed to be preparing many to know what they will SEE so there will not be dangers from panic due to lack of understandings. It is anticipated that it will take eighteen to twenty-four months after HIS return before the resistance of human beings will be sufficiently overcome that HE will dare to disclose Himself physically for all to acclaim.
“I DO” contended that the Lucifer-soul had been going too far in a variety of ways, and had brought about a karmic imbalance. For one thing, the Lucifer-soul (through Mrs. Besant) had been tampering with Mdm. Blavatsky’s “Isis Unveiled” and other writings which Michael and Gabriel had expressed through Mdm. Blavatsky, a dual form of expression. She was sorely tormented, harassed and caused much suffering by the Lucifer over-soul in a wild bid for control. Lucifer was hoping to head off the unveiling of his first EVE-Isis whose deceptions had caused some twisting and misrepresentation of soul activities throughout the whole world of religions, from the first down to the very last, which “unveiling” was to have been done through the Blavatsky writings. However, the influence of the over-soul, Lucifer, through the Besant counterpart was successful in heading off the full purpose, necessitating another incarnation of the Gabriel soul, reincarnating as Frances Sande, the soul which, regardless of name or identification in the physical, always had the “keys” and access to “The Father’s” records.
During the Twentieth Century the “negative faction” under the Lucifer-soul’s influence had “planned a hydrogen bomb to destroy all but their own”. After “forty and two” months of harassment, “wars in heaven” as well as wars between the incarnate physical counterparts of the first three “Archangels” and their many servers (Above as well as Below), “I DO” declared the “Reincarnate Mother” (formerly Blavatsky who returned to the physical plane as Frances Sande for the express purpose of finalizing the “unveiling”) was forced to lay the matter on the Cosmic Roundtable in prayer. “I DO” claimed that masterminds of Archangels status who had chosen to be born for the purpose, helped the latest vehicle known to express the Mother in the Physical. The work finally brought about the Lucifer soul’s “fall”. For this reason “I DO” claimed that the Lucifer soul’s cosmic powers were revoked for a thousand years in October 1955 when “A Great Angel appeared and asked for time to mark more in the forehead,” a Scriptural prophecy which was fulfilled by the apparition many in Winnipeg, Manitoba, photographed at the time. After the “fall” of Lucifer on higher planes, his physical plane puppet was unable to maintain a working form in the third dimension. He was also unable to influence from other dimensions except for “the one-third stars of heaven” who have since been functioning his cause for which they took oath of accomplishment. They continued carrying on for him since that “god is dead,” or unable to respond to the Calls, mantras, etc., which evoked his assistance before that time. Those who ignorantly still “call” for help from that EVE-il source, whether or not they know it, can now only receive assistance for their d’EVE-il inspired projects from the “red stars” long dedicated to his purpose. Only those “one-third stars of heaven” who had themselves earned some Cosmic Powers which have not yet been revoked, were able to respond in his stead.
In 1951, the King of Kings, the “Great Unifier,” the “One Initiator,” the Messiah of the New Age whom God will prove to have been “first,” appeared to the “I DO” Leader in an astral body as a man. He laid a very large key on the table, saying, “I give unto thee a key.” He talked all night, staying until sunrise the next morning. Upon HIS Command she went to Rome in 1955 at the time of the heart attack of Pius XII, where HE appeared with her and the pope recovered. Subsequently she went to Denver and “did what was necessary” to save President Dwight David Eisenhower, the victim of a heart ailment projected by the “red stars” functioning for Lucifer at the time. In 1956 she went to Egypt by Christ’s direction and contributed to the prompt solution of the brief Anglo-French-Israeli Suez war. In 1965 Michael sent her to New Delhi to help bring about the cease-fire that ended hostilities in the Rann of Kutch between the Indians and the Pakistanis.
The complete story of the life of Frances Sande, the Reincarnate Mother of the Last Age, is found on the Cosmic Birth page of this website...
The major problem that stood in the way of the return of The Child was an insufficient number of earthly hands to do what was necessary to facilitate His return. “I DO” declared its function was to provide the understandings that will end ignorance of what is taking place in fulfillment of prophecies. “I DO” claimed to be the “‘finishing school’ for those who might be called ‘horses’ to pull the first loads of the New Age”. It also saw as its mission the provision of information that would enable the protection of “cults, creeds, and other Organizations which were known targets of the antichrist.” “I DO” research was directed by the King of Kings and it spoke by HIS inspiration.
While the “white robes” faced misunderstanding and persecution pending The Child’s return, they were certain that “all of the reins are in unseen hands above (Angels, Saints, Masters) who were working through physical forms placed on earth for that purpose”. Of the “stars of heaven” in physical form, two-thirds were and still are on the side of Michael-Gabriel and one-third were born to serve as supporters of the “negatively existent one”; that is, the now fallen Lucifer, whose purposes they continued trying valiantly to defend because they were ignorant of the status of “the unknown god whom they ignorantly worship,” and still strove to serve.
The Interdenominational Divine Order disapproved of “average religions” of paganized pasts, or twisted Truths done by the deceptions of Lucifer. They also considered trance mediums through which lesser lower plane spirits “peep and mutter,” a chance for dangerous misguidance. They denounced crystal balls, ouija boards, séances in dark rooms and gypsy methods of contacting other planes of consciousness. They were not in favor of fasting of the body, “hard-headed old-time religionists, content with uncertain precepts not in accord with needs of the New Age.” The “I DO” have discovered Black Moslems to be (“Moses-lems”); and feel the “hippy” movement deceived many good souls because of the black magic practitioners functioning behind it. “I DO” research found Jewish Zionism oppressing the two “good” factions of Judaism. “I DO” felt that “baptizing babies only proved the parents’ desire to dedicate their offspring to (God)”. They also denounced hypnosis as well as “Christians who discredit any other incarnation of the Son of God” than the historic Jesus. “I DO” also claimed that sports are exploiting souls who might better be helping prepare for the advent of the Son of God for which they incarnated. “I DO” also felt that religious fanatics with small extrasensory talents were dangerous to The Great Plan of God for the Last Age.
The Reincarnate Mother was born Feb. 7, which identifies her with Apollo, another known incarnation. Another “Truth” News Letter identified Thoth as the son of Thotmes, (surely not Thutmose which would be a twist to honor the Lucifer soul if spelled (mose or Moses). Thotmes was “The Thinker,” and Thoth (his son) the “Thot” product of his thinking. Also “Muhammad” the messenger of God who founded Islam, surely was not “the tyrant Mohammed” who was responsible for some Arabs becoming Moslems.
Through what “I DO” called “cosmic television,” sensitive individuals can “see” past incarnations projected on the body that the soul in question now inhabits. They accept the traditions of the “lost continents” of Atlantis and Lemuria and that “there is no escape from the law of Karma”.
I DO” claimed that the “reincarnated great ones of the earth” of the “positive faction” (that is, the supporters of Michael-Gabriel) were concerned about remaining “unspotted.” (The word is not used in the sense of “unstained” as in James 1:27, but in the informal sense of “undetected” or “unrecognized.”) This was seen as necessary because “red stars,” the incarnated angels of the “negative faction,” followed the “sons of God” of the “positive source” into incarnation in order to detect and if possible destroy them before they could accomplish their mission of promoting the divine reign of peace. This was the reason for the Flight of Joseph, Mary, and the child Jesus into Egypt at the beginning of the incarnation of Jesus. Among the Essenes of Egypt, the child was “unspotted” until the time for his mission came. “The Interdenominational Divine Order, like the Essenes at the time of Jesus, have the inside story about what was going on and never failed to be able to give the explanation of so-called mysteries and phenomena of that Age” (See page 1 in the Booklet "Reincarnation Presents the Christ Again.")
“I DO” contended the Akashic records or “book of lives” record every action of all souls from the beginning of evolution from one incarnation to another.
On the basis of research “I DO” observed that religious institutions established by incarnated “great of the earth” were almost invariably infiltrated by the “negative faction” who always followed them into incarnation. They contended that the cohorts of the “negative faction” dominate at least one-third of every religious group.
“I DO” was both the name of the organization and a title of the Interdenominational Leader, “as well as short for the name of the “I DO” institution. (An individual adherent was an I-DO-er.”) The reason for Headquarters in Idaho was taken from “Ancient Wisdom teachings,” where IAO was the name of an incarnation of the Mother, these three letters being the first, middle and last letters of “Idaho.”
Related to the “I DO” missions was the function as the outlet that Mdm. Blavatsky was forced to find after Mrs. Besant falsified the former’s Isis Unveiled.
“I DO” stated that “Stars of Heaven” or “Great of the earth” are souls who have earned the right to plan their own incarnations. They have achieved the “light of perfection” or “Eternal Life,” that stage of spiritual achievement where they have earned enough Cosmic Power to function simultaneously in all dimensions.
“I DO” held that the greatest of the reincarnating “Great of the earth” have been born in the United States, most of them in Idaho at the time. It also points out that when Hiawatha “sailed off into the skies in his canoe,” he said that “he would return in a place called Eedahow,” obviously Idaho, where The Child was born in 1936 and remained on the Astral Planes until Easter Sunday, 1955, when HE was "caught up" until more adequate preparations could be made for HIS Reception and Protection on That Day when men recognize the Light of “A Little Child to Lead Them” as “all eyes” can SEE the sight.
The Following Timeline Illustrates Incarnations of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer, the three members of the First Triad, from the time of Adam to the New Age.
The Twins
At the time of the Crucifixion, Jesus turned to His Mother and said: "Mother, this is your Son". Then turning to His Apostle John, He said: "John, this is your Mother".
Who was Jesus? Who was His Apostle John? And Who was John the Baptist? To understand the Symbiosis between these TWO Souls, it is time to unveil the greatest of all SECRETS for the New Age.
The FIRST Understanding is that Souls who have attained Eternal Life can have as many as Seven Shirts in incarnation at any one time and move out of one and into another at the end of a given Mission. Most times, a Shirt is "dormant", unaware of its Status, until it is time to "Awaken" to the new Mission at hand. This was the case of Jesus and the Apostle John. They were both incarnations of the same Soul, the Archangel Uriel.
The SECOND Understanding is that John the Baptist was The Christ, the incarnation of the Archangel Michael, The One Initiator who baptized HIS cousin Jesus at the start of that most important Mission, that of the Messiah. The TWINS collaborated together through Cosmic Symbiosis to bring about the Fall of Lucifer in what was known as the beginning of the Last Age, from the time of John the Baptist and Jesus to this, the beginning of the New Age. Today THEY are aligned to be back together again as the TWINS leading the World to a "New Heaven" and "New Earth", as God launches the sequence of events to release His Holy Son to His Mother which marks the Third and Final Phase of the “Cosmic Birth”.
The "Virgin of the Rocks" by Leonardo Da Vinci.
The painting on the left is in The Louvre in Paris. The painting on the right is in the London National Gallery.
Da Vinci reveals the secret of the Ages regarding the status of the TWINS. In both paintings, The Madonna presses the Young John the Baptist close to her in a protective manner with her right hand on his shoulder and the other hand extended towards young Jesus, symbolizing the transfer of Power of The One Initiator to the future Messiah. In the London painting, Young John holds the symbol of The Cross pressed against HIS right shoulder, confirming that HE is The Christ, The One Initiator. Young Jesus holds up two fingers with his right hand in recognition of symbiotic "Twice the Power" being granted to him for His Mission as “Sacrificial Lamb” to fulfill prophesy as He steps in to protect The Child. The presence of the Archangel Uriel next to Jesus identifies Him as one of His Incarnations.