D DAY of Understandings
D Day, the Third and Final Phase of the Cosmic Birth, "HIS Advent" has begun.
D DAY OF Understandings: D for DIVINE and D for DOING - "We Belong Only to His Divine Order of Doing in His Name for the Welfare and Protection of Humanity."
- From the I DO Pledge -
It is Time for "We The People" to AWAKEN!
The arrival of D Day spans a period of eighteen to twenty-four months as the World begins to align itself with the Cosmos; more advanced Souls will be the first to SEE The Mother and The Child who is called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. The Mother Opens the Way to The Child. During that span of time, Christ Himself will confirm the status of every Soul who comes seeking Understandings and who is ready to stand, and to withstand, until the World understands, and to become "Hands and feet of the flesh with ears attuned to listening" in service of Humanity.
To be "Chosen" one must overcome ego, will and desire (of the negative kind) and then "listen" for the "Call" which comes in many ways, depending on the status of each Soul. When you are "Called" it is time to ASK for the Master’s guidance when choosing the Path you wish to go; HE will walk along that Path with you.
This is the Order of Souls as they Rise to Meet The Master:
First to Rise: "The Very Elect" - Seventh Degree Initiates
Second to Rise: "The Elect" - Sixth Degree Initiates
Third to Rise: "The Chosen" - Fifth Degree Initiates
All Others to Rise: "We the People" - Fourth Degree Initiates
"That Day" is the Day when each Soul Recognizes the Light of “A Little Child to Lead Us as All eyes can SEE the Sight."
On "That Day", "ASK" and ye SHALL receive UNDERSTANDINGS of everything you need to KNOW.
As you read these words "ASK The UNIVERSE" to get Understandings.
Have you ever wondered when Peace on Earth would be achieved?"
Here is the Answer from the King of Kings Himself:
About the time of this Call Kuthumi, one of Frances’ Teachers and an incarnation of The King of Kings, visited her one night in the astral body. She had gone to bed early. They were building a new home and above her room was some loose lumber on the floor. She was awakened by something that sounded like the lumber being moved about. In a few minutes someone came down the stairs, leaving several doors open behind Him. He came to her room and stood in the doorway for quite some time without speaking. He was tall. Wearing something of a robe and it seemed He had a beard but being in the astral body Frances could not see Him very well in the dark. He finally asked her to get up and come to the dining room. At the time of the Calling Frances heard the words from Above, “D Day, D Day, D Day,” Looking up in prayer she asked, “What is D-Day, – what does it mean?”
“In D Day of understandings
Thou shall raise their thoughts to ME,
Mankind shall see correction,
No more evil then shall be”
- 1951 - The King of Kings to The Reincarnate Mother -
HE told her about messages that would come with “no wires.” This is what esoterics call “inner hearing.” The Bible speaks of it as “a still small voice.” She listened to Him most of the night. She wrote something which HE dictated* and wondered much at a very large key which He laid on the table. He said, “I give unto thee a key.” It wasn’t of a material nature and seemed to vanish as He left. He talked all night, staying until sunrise the next morning. Certain emergencies existed at the time for which He explained she was reincarnated to meet. When she was almost overwhelmed with the immensity of what she was told she had been “Chosen” for, Christ said, “You were born for this work and We are depending upon you.” He promised “I will be the words in thy mouth,” and she soon found this happening.
Today, the World is undergoing a Cosmic Change! JOYOUS RESOLVE is spreading all over America, and from there, once achieved, JOYOUS RESOLVE will spread all around the world, because...
D DAY - the ADVENT of the King of Kings - has begun!!!
America is now beginning to rally around the highest principles of FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY FOR ALL. Citizens of the Positive Kind are now beginning to realize that the two party political system has not helped, but has actually hindered the pursuit of happiness for all.
There are two leading political parties in The United States of America, Democrats and Republicans. Remember this. Back in 1787, the delegates entirely omitted political parties from the founding document, and this is the reason why: The framers of the new Constitution, seeing remnants of the strong influence of the system of Monarchy beating in the hearts of many, and to avoid what happened in Old England with divisions ripping it apart, the framers pondered the idea of including the formation of Political Parties, but then, weighing the strife that would result from these divisions, they chose not to include any reference to political parties in the founding document.
In his first administration, President George Washington, an incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel, selected men to join the administration of his government. Thomas Jefferson was named Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton was named Treasury Secretary. Each man held a different view for America. Eventually this led to the formation of the nation’s first two political parties, which after some time would actually flip their dedication from "Serving the People" to "Serving themselves", and vice versa.
The genius behind REINCARNATION is that members of the Positive Faction always choose in every life to Stand on the RIGHT side of every issue; they are always born with a "streak of decency", always tell the Truth and remain steadfast, life after life, in their pursuit of happiness for All.
The members of the Negative Faction on the other hand always choose the WRONG side; they always LIE, and they do so in every incarnation, until one day they LEARN through the karma they reap life after life how to finally "grow a conscience", change their allegiance from serving the Negative Faction to working with the Positive Faction towards TRUTH and World Peace, and they do so in every life thereafter. This is their TRUE Salvation.
And this is where we are today, "We The People", can now begin to choose to do the RIGHT thing. Those who don't, BEWARE, the Cosmos SEES you!
It is time to adopt Article 9 of the I DO Pledge "We will ever pray that all learn to live the U. S. principles of “Malice toward none and charity for all,” that Love by osmosis through the veins of evil might convert it into a good life stream."
This is how "We The People" take up the Challenge to defend Truth and to attain the Final Victory which STANDS LARGE before us. Whether we be Democrat, Republican, or Independent, let us choose henceforth to vote for the RIGHT candidate, not for a Party, and to vote that way up and down the ballot to choose the BEST among us to help lead this Nation to a better tomorrow, and to serve as a Shining Example for the rest of the World to follow in order to attain World Peace! Heaven helps those who follow the Golden Rule of helping their neighbors.
THAT DAY has begun!!!
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction! To recap the History of Mankind to date, and according to H. P. Blavatsky, an incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel in the 19th Century, in her book The Secret Doctrine, we learn that Mankind has been present on Planet Earth for over 300 million years, first appearing on The Imperishable Sacred Land where the First Race was Mind-Born in ethereal bodies, secondly on The Hyperborean Continent where the Second Race was Sweat-Born, then on The Lemurian Continent where the Third Race was Egg-born, followed by The Atlantis Continent where the Fourth Race was procreated 18 million years ago after the separation of Mankind into the two sexes, and today, We The Fifth Race, also procreated, inhabit America, the New Continent, which was founded by the Re-Incarnated Archangels Michael (Benjamin Franklin) and Gabriel (George Washington), the True Peace Makers of the World!
Events in America affect the whole world.
We are at the intersection of Politics and New Age Understandings. Today, Justice is beginning to prevail, TRUTH is winning the war against LIES. Joy is spreading over the New Continent. This is leading us from Hope to World Peace!!! From "We The People of the United States" to "We The Peoples of the United Nations".
D Day, the Third and Final Phase
of the Cosmic Birth
The First Phase of The Child’s “Cosmic Birth” was “the production of a body for HIM by Frances Fisher Sande, the Reincarnate Gabriel-Soul, in April, 1936. The Second Phase of The Child’s “Cosmic Birth” took place in late 1954 to stop a bomb at the moment it would have been detonated. Then, on Easter Sunday, April 10th, 1955 when, because of dangers from the “great dragon” personality who “stood to swallow up The Child,” it was necessary for HIM to be “caught up” from the physical plane until more adequate preparation could be made for HIS reception and protection. Frances Fisher Sande passed from this plane in 1994.
When "D Day" began in the summer of 2024, God launched the sequence of events to release His Holy Son to His Mother which marks the Third and Final Phase of the “Cosmic Birth”.
HE has sent HIS Advocate to announce HIS Return as prophesied by John The Elder before he wrote his letters to the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelations. St. John, 16:5-11 “5 But now I am going to the one who sent me, and not one of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 But because I told you this, grief has filled your hearts. 7 But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate* will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8 And when he comes, he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation: 9 sin, because they do not believe in me; 10 righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; 11 condemnation, because the ruler of this world has been condemned.”
In preparation of The Child's Return to this dimension “As He Left”, a great machine has started rolling and at the end of the eighteen to twenty-four months “all eyes will See A Little Child to Lead Them" for the work of the New Age. During this time of preparation "The Very Elect", "The Elect" and the "Chosen" will be the first to See Him, until that Day when “all eyes will begin to SEE” apparitions “in the skies.” The "Called" are now being "Chosen" on the INNER and fitted into their respective positions for advancement of the world in this New Age and on "THAT DAY WHEN ALL EYES can SEE", HE will disclose Himself physically for all to acclaim.
Signs and Wonders abound. On the political front, it is important to understand that America was founded by the Archangels Michael and Gabriel in their incarnations as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Michael returned a century later as Abraham Lincoln to set America on the path towards "freedom for all" with his proclamation of the Ninth Principle of the I Do Pledge of “Malice toward none and charity for all" that LOVE by osmosis through the veins of evil might convert it into a good life stream."
Lincoln prophesied that one day descendants of former slaves would attain equal justice before the law. His prophecy also included all women in this aspirational view. He also prophesied that this goal would be reached before the 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026. The first black man was elected president in 2008 and now, in 2024 America began the process to electing its first black woman to be President of the United States which involved an initial "not what we fought for" at the polls in America's most tightly fought electoral battle. This initial "not what we fought for" will soon give rise to a Glorious Victory for the Cause of JUSTICE and for We The People, by turning this electoral result into a "stepping Stone out of a stumbling block".
Nations will then begin to understand enough to get the situation in hand. In the meantime, all men can begin to “wish to know” what will take place. Some will declare it is the expected “Advent of Christ.” Many will still be doubting, but all will need to seek answers because so many changes will be taking place, all mankind will need to try hard to understand. A great Spiritual Rapture will gradually be taking over all cults and creeds, with all making a desperate effort to understand enough to apply for their own needs.
Watch and understand what will be happening as God casts down all statues, idols and institutions which were done to honor the great deceiver, and watch the rending of the veils of Temples dedicated to the deceiver by those who were deceived. Wise Men of this Age know that “when all eyes see,” some of what is soon to be revealed is “the dead walking” in new forms if now in incarnation. As the veil of matter of this third dimension is being torn away, we will soon be able to SEE the “dead walking” in other dimensions if they haven’t reincarnated yet. The world will soon learn about God’s provision for identification of souls in reincarnate bodies. This is called “Cosmic TV” by Wise Men of the New Age who have already experienced it many times. As the world begins to understand sufficiently, the idea will gradually be coming into more general usage so that “seeing the dead walking” (through the veil) does not cause panic. Many Wise Men are standing by to handle emergencies. So “with all thy getting, get understanding” seems a most important admonition at this time. More attention to this advice is imperative if Armageddons are to be lightened and peace come about by His Advent.
When "that Day when all eyes see” is with us, we will begin to recognize the Truth about His many incarnations always as a Child. Men can either turn against their mistaken leaders, or make the mistake of fighting against Truth which God is giving to mankind at this time. Those who will rebel against Truth and continue to stand in the way of “His Will be done” will be “cast into perdition” with their deceivers if too stubborn to admit they were wrong.
Over this eighteen to twenty-four months period, those who are more dedicated to the Negative Faction and pose a greater danger to His Plan, or the safety of His Child, are being transmuted by the Fire of Divine Mind, or otherwise removed from this dimension. Since D Day began, Divine Mind is taking absolute control and is demanding precedence for those whose rights have been earned in many incarnations of martyring various Causes for the progress of humanity as they accompanied Him to “sheep I have of other folds ye know not of” through many lives of service.
Now that the hand of God is proving which Faction and what works are approved, mortals can begin to recognize Truth and spot deceivers fostering misleading concepts. Earthquakes, fires and other disasters are to begin leveling institutions not representing God’s principles. Perhaps now converts can begin to realize something must have been wrong. Chemical reactions due to a guilty conscience have the same effect as karmic debts from the past in drawing atomic burns. One whose karmic rights are good and whose thinking is filled with love could be left standing unhurt beside another of an opposite condition who would be consumed.
When the vibratory rates of emotionally disturbed persons rise it is possible for the victim to SEE clairvoyantly. When this occurs various powers are brought into play which generate still others and anything phenomenal might happen to raise vibrations even higher. In a state of higher vibrations some “see” the dead walking. The facts are that the dead are already walking in other dimensions even if those of average visual vibratory rates cannot see them. In the inter-locking planes there are other spirits not visible to those of ordinary sight. When “all eyes see” those believed dead will be “seen” in other dimensions where they have been all the time unless reincarnated, in which case they will be found resident in another body most likely in the family who have believed them dead. Clairvoyant sight will also reveal past incarnations. In THAT DAY people will SEE things they do not understand and might become so emotionally upset as to generate power for almost anything to happen. For this reason The Advocate of the New Age is urged by his TEACHERS to reveal these secrets for the protection of humanity. “THE LABORERS ARE FEW” who understand enough to help when help will be needed. “No man knoweth the day” but this information is given to help meet the expected emergencies which will be due mostly to ignorance.
The Bible mentions the rending of the veil of the Temple which in that time symbolized something wrong within. Also, the hand of the Infinite was seen in the destruction of the Tower of Babel. Some space and atomic projects endangering the harmony of other planets are meeting with a similar fate. There will be some “weeping and gnashing” because of ignorance of underlying facts concerning the harmonious plan for the universe. One of the most basic facts concerns reincarnation (in the school of lives) advancing the soul toward graduation from this planet to another of greater cooperation with Cosmic Laws made when the universe was created.
As the “Truth to make free” is beginning to be known, much time, energy and funds previously used for various efforts to deal with the unknown can now be channeled into meeting problems of this world and the third dimension before probing other spheres, planes, planets and dimensions which were being given too much attention in the past. Mortals can begin to realize that when the soul evolves sufficiently the information they were trying to get prematurely can now be given without effort and that no matter how hard they tried before this time, if the information was too advanced for the soul, it was withheld. Masters of Wisdom, now incarnate on earth from other planets have the answers and mortals can now begin accepting what They have to offer (but only when Christ confirms their status).
Scriptures stated that “it is not God’s will any should perish,” yet those who are standing the world in jeopardy must be “taken”. Reason tells us that it is much kinder for a soul to be removed from the possibility of making karma against progress than to be allowed to make the mistake of working against the Will of God.
Nations and Religions are now aligned to “Seeing” HIM in keeping with “the way HE left” them. Jewish people will soon be seeing Elijah, the Hindu will soon be seeing Brahma, Buddhists will be seeing Buddha, Christians will be seeing Christ, Muslims will be seeing Khattab, North American Indians will be seeing Hiawatha (an Incarnation of The Mother appearing with The Child), Occultists will be seeing Kuthumi, and all will soon be “Seeing” the Son of God “as HE left the last time”, during the second phase of the Cosmic Birth, “as a little Child to Lead Them.” It has ever been this way when HE went to “sheep I have of other pastures ye know not of.”